All You Are

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A Powerful Idea That Could Change Your Life

This week I wanted to share a POWERFUL idea that has been on my mind. 


But first let me take you back a bit…


Seventeen years ago, when my husband Amik was in the ICU in a hospital in Tucson literally fighting for his life,  a well-meaning family friend told me at the breakfast table before we headed into the hospital, “God only gives you what you can handle.” 


She was trying to tell me, you are strong, you can handle this. But I remember feeling so angry about that statement. F-k THAT. Why would God (or a higher power) do that? To him, to me, to any of us?! 


It has been seventeen years since she said those words to me and I am only now just starting to get it.


I went through all of those things and now have a deeper, more intimate level of compassion and understanding for others' suffering.


I went through all those things and learned what could ONLY be learned the hard way - by actually living through it.


I went through all those things and now I can share what I learned and support others with what I now KNOW because I have been through it.


If I could rewind and erase all of that pain and suffering from happening would I? I would. 


But now I understand that the journey I have been on since then has led me to discover who I really am. What I am capable of.  How resourceful I can be. How loving I can be. 


It has led me to understand what really matters. It has led me to stand up for myself. To fight for what I believe in. To nurture myself. To cut the bullshit. To go deeper. To step into my power. To believe in something bigger. 


My journey has uncovered who I am and has called me forward to lead with my knowing.


Today's note is to say, who are you being called forward to be?


How could what has happened to you, have happened FOR you?


How could what is happening to you, be happening FOR you?


If you are in the middle of illness, are witnessing a family member suffer through illness, or if you have lost someone and are grieving, this might feel like a cruel question to ask. I feel that. Maybe it isn't yet time to explore this questions.


But there will be a time where you are ready to reflect on what your experiences have taught you:


Maybe you will realise you are now more in touch with the sacred nature of life.


Maybe you will look at your loved ones with a whole other level of love and gratitude.


Maybe you will realise you're done living life according to others expectations.


Maybe you will finally understand that the greatest risk in life is not living your life full out, as YOU.


This week I am inviting you to reflect on your journey so far - the trials and the triumphs. I am inviting you then to ask yourself, who am I being called to be?  How did what I have experienced so far happen for me?  What gifts am I meant to develop and share?

With love and belief in you,
