Choose Your Hard Wisely
I'm just going to say it. Living your dream can be exhausting.
All this week I connected with and held space for a beautiful group of women through my workshop series, A Call to Courage.
Cameras were off, so I couldn't see their faces (though they could see mine) but I felt their energy, their dreams, their intentions, their hearts.
When I am doing this work, especially live, I feel in-purpose, in the stream, and energized. I even got this note from one of the women attending mid-week 😌:
But when it's over, whoosh, I feel so depleted. My ritual this week was eating my lunch after our calls while watching Designated Survivor on Netflix. 😂 I needed to refuel and shut off at the same time before getting back to it.
It's all just a reminder that every path is hard.
Working in a role that is unfulfilling is hard.
Feeling like you're just coasting along is hard.
Following your dreams is hard.
It's all about CHOOSING your hard well.
A lot of coaches and personal development teachers talk about doing things “with ease”. That we can just “let it be easy”.
There is value in this message because sometimes we do make things so much hard-ER than we need to.
We ignore our inner voice. We say yes when we want to say no. We hold back our gifts instead of leaning into them.
We can definitely all welcome more ease and more alignment into our lives.
But also, growth is hard. Changing the way you see yourself is hard. Taking action by pushing through your comfort zone is hard.
As Glennon Doyle famously coined, We can do hard things!
Just choose your hard wisely.
Choose the hard that is for your highest good.
Choose the hard that leads you to a greater, more expansive version of yourself.
Choose the hard that leads you to inner freedom, joy, and fulfillment.
And finally, don't try to choose hard alone. Find the people who are intentional about choosing their hard too.
The ones who are also growing and will celebrate your growth but also commiserate when it feels hard.
One way to do that is inside Be All You Are, my 6-month transformational program for women. Inside this program, we do hard things together. We learn the tools and practices to strengthen our resolve, and our belief in ourselves and we take action! And we also have A LOT of fun while doing it.
Find out more by booking a call with me.
With love,
Kena ❤️
Kena Paranjape, Founder, All You Are