A Message From the Women Who Came Before Us
As many of you know, I spent the holidays and early January in India—a place deeply woven into my roots. It had been 11 years since I last visited the country where both my parents were born, where my family comes from, and where I spent many childhood holidays, building memories with my cousins and grandparents…
What Makes You Feel Like A Goddess?
What makes you feel like a goddess?
And if the word goddess is throwing you off a little (or a lot), how about this: what makes you feel like the most beautiful, loving, vibrant, powerful, magnetic version of yourself?
Are You Open Or Closed?
How open are you to new ideas, ways of approaching things, and other points of view?
I consider myself to be very open when it comes to other points of view, knowing that the way they see things comes from their lived experience. I am curious and want to understand.
On The Hardest Days Of My Life, I Still Did This
I want to explore something fun today - I want to talk about your style.
What Are You Not Saying?
Lately I have been thinking about the difference between the things we freely say and the things we choose not to. Usually, the things you choose not to say are the ones that are most important. Maybe there is more at stake. Maybe you have concerns about what comes after you've said what you need to say.
If You’ve Lost Someone You Love
This past week was my Dad's birthday. He has been gone from this earthly plane for more than 28 years (he died of cancer when I was 20 years old). Sometimes I think about how things might have been different if he had been around through all the challenges and the triumphs, the big moments and the little ones.
How To Have The Best Summer Ever
Spring is the time to come alive and summer is the time to revel in it. For some that may mean taking time off, and enjoying long, lazy days. For others, it is peak energy season and we want to leverage that energy to reach our goals with momentum and an elevated spirit. Maybe it is a bit of both. Which is it for you?
A Note On Motherhood
Whether you are already a mother, wish to be one or have decided that motherhood in the traditional sense is not for you, let’s celebrate and foster in one another all the best that mothers represent – feminine strength, soulful wisdom and unconditional love.
Two Weeks Notice
Is there something you are ready to give your two weeks notice to? Maybe it's to playing small at work? Or only going halfway on your business idea when you really want to go all in? No matter where your journey has taken you until now, it is not too late to create a soul-fulfilling life while defining success on YOUR terms.
One Decision Can Change Everything
All day long we make decisions. Some are small, like what to eat for breakfast. Some are medium-impact, like which car to buy or whether to speak up in a meeting. Others are life-changing. Like whether to leave a job, disrupt a marriage, or move to a new city. How do you approach these big, life-impacting decisions?
What Are You Being Called Towards?
I want to shift gears and step into action mode. Because as crucial as the mindset piece is, if we don't show up differently and if we don't do different things, things won't change around us.
Big Questions To Ask For A Big Life
If you have a dream to leave your corporate career to start a business or change your lifestyle or if you are an entrepreneur wanting to expand along with your business, or if you are noticing yourself holding back from any dream because of Fear, I invite you to ask these three questions that bring you face to face with your fears so you own them - they no longer own you.
3 Pivotal Points to Your Next Chapter of Soul-Fulfilling Success
If you are a purpose-driven professional woman who dreams of doing more fulfilling work and making a greater impact, I have created something just for you.
Where Are You Being Called To Courage In Your Life?
Sometimes we are forcibly called to courage. Something happens in your life that calls you forward to be courageous. It doesn't really feel like a choice. The question I invite you to ponder on this beautiful Sunday is, Where am I being called to courage right now in my life?
Choose To Make Magic
Whenever you're in a challenging situation, remind yourself that you ultimately have three choices of how to approach it. Direct your energy to one of the three and you'll navigate the situation with much more ease.
A Powerful Idea That Could Change Your Life
Seventeen years ago, when my husband Amik was in the ICU in a hospital in Tucson literally fighting for his life, a well-meaning family friend told me at the breakfast table before we headed into the hospital, “God only gives you what you can handle.” It has been seventeen years since she said those words to me and I am only now just starting to get it.
There Is So Much More To Come
I have found my life's calling, my purpose. If you aren't there yet, you're not behind. You're exactly right on time. There is so much more to come. Keep going.
Choose Your Hard Wisely
Living your dream can be exhausting. It's all about CHOOSING your hard well. Choose the hard that is for your highest good. Choose the hard that leads you to a greater, more expansive version of yourself.
Three Things That Deeply Influenced My Transformational Journey
Every one of us has a unique journey. If each of us looked at our lives like we were souls dropped onto earth in human form to go out on our unique adventures, we would see those mountains and valleys differently. We would see them as part of our story of personal evolution. We would see them as necessary to become who we are meant to become.
48 Beautiful Life Lessons I’ve Learned
It's my birthday today! The big 4-8! And in honour of it, I wanted to share FORTY-EIGHT beautiful lessons I've learned.