All You Are

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How To Have The Best Summer Ever

Tell me, what is your favourite season?

I love spring most of all, but mostly because it means summer is coming. I rejoice in every tiny bud that sprouts from the grey, seemingly lifeless earth and celebrate the smallest blossom. 

My partner laughs at my enthusiasm but secretly I think it is helping him to appreciate it all more too. I marvel at the lilacs, then the irises, and oh wow, the peonies are getting ready to bloom too!

Spring is the time to come alive and summer is the time to revel in it.  

For some that may mean taking time off, and enjoying long, lazy days. For others, it is peak energy season and we want to leverage that energy to reach our goals with momentum and an elevated spirit. Maybe it is a bit of both.

Which is it for you?

This week in my group program for women, Be All You Are, I hosted a session on resetting for summer. I led my women through a meditation, inviting them to remember their most joyful summer memories and to visualize what they would like to experience this coming season.

I also led them through a series of journaling questions that I wanted to share with you as well:

  1. What has kept me from fully enjoying summer in the past?

  2. What has been holding me back lately? Consider thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

  3. What am I ready to leave behind?

  4. What do I desire most for this summer?

  5. How do I want to feel?

  6. What do I want to experience?

  7. What do I want to achieve?

Use these questions to help you set the stage for your summer. Summer goes by in a flash. We blink and then it's gone.  Taking a few moments to pause, reflect, and reset goes a long way.

Let me know what came up for you as you answered these - I love to hear from you!

On Friday evening I attended a gathering with my dear friend and mentor, Nancy Trites Botkin. Ten women sat around the table and shared what we had learned in the last year since we saw each other. One of the themes that came up was that regardless of what we are navigating in life, we can choose to dance.

I hope whatever this summer holds for you, especially that which is beyond your control, you choose to dance.


With love,

Kena ❤️
Kena Paranjape, Founder, All You Are