The 3 Things Standing Between You and What You Want
What if I told you that there is literally only 3 things separating you from someone else who has what you want.
What you want could be a stronger body, a wonderful intimate relationship, a successful business or even a certain way of life. Anything that you desire that someone else already has.
It really does come down to these 3 simple things:
1) they DECIDED they wanted it
2) they BELIEVED they could achieve/create/be it
3. they took ACTION steps towards it
That’s it.
That’s how you create the life that is meant for you.
In my program, Be All You Are, we work together on bringing you closer to the life you desire by focusing on these 3 steps.
The best part?
Once you know it, you can’t un-know it.
You now just live from a place of possibility.
You live in a world where anything you desire is available to you.
I recorded a video to explain more about these 3 steps and how we work on them together here. I'd love for you to watch and tell me what comes up from you.
I really want to know.
Do you find yourself saying, but Kena, that's easy to say but harder to put into practice?
Or but Kena, what if I don't have the resources, time, connections or the money?
I will gently and lovingly say, these three steps still hold.
Let me show you how.
Want to join an amazing group of women as we go on this journey together? Reply to this email with YES and we can set up a time to chat. There are only a few spots left!
With love,
Kena xo
Kena Paranjape, Founder, All You Are
PS. If you're new to my Sunday note, you can read more about my story here and why it's my mission for every woman (and human!) to follow her dreams and live life as a full expression of who she is.
PPS. How is 2023 going for you so far? Have you taken som time to reflect on your goals and dreams for this coming year? A few weeks ago I held a Dream Year 2023 workshop where I led a group of women through a beautiful planning exercise. If you'd like the workbook we used to help guide you, you can grab it here.