Where Are You Being Called To Courage In Your Life?
Yesterday I spoke at a beautiful event, The Gather Society, hosted by one of my dear friends, Erin Binns.
At the beginning of my talk, I asked women to connect to their current level of courage on a scale of 1-10:
1-4: I stay mostly in my bubble, within my zone of comfort
5-7: I make courageous acts here and there but am holding myself back from the big things I want
8-10: Every day I act courageously and am ready to step into a bold vision for my life
Where do you currently find yourself on this scale?
Most women fell into the 5-7 bucket with a few in the 8-10. (And it wasn't until AFTER my talk that 4 women came up to me separately and admitted they fell into the first bucket but couldn't bring themselves to put up their hand. That alone took courage!)
Sometimes we are forcibly called to courage. Something happens in your life that calls you forward to be courageous. It doesn't feel like a choice. This was the case for me when my husband became ill all those years ago.
Other times, the call comes from within. The voice inside that has up until now been softly nudging, don't go there, go here or this doesn't feel right, but that will start to get louder and louder until it feels almost annoying. That is your call to courage.
The question I invite you to ponder on this beautiful Sunday is, where am I being called to courage right now in my life?
Where am I choosing 5 when the life that is waiting for me is just on the other side of a 7?
“Life shrinks or expands according to one’s courage.”