Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
Accept it all and allow yourself to receive the gifts that come from things exactly as they are.
3 Ways to Make a Quantum Leap
The concept of a quantum leap is a bit of a paradox. The term implies a dramatic advance, but the idea is that the effort required to make that leap needn’t be. That’s why a quantum leap is so exciting.
5 Steps to a Fulfilling Fall
As we take a collective sigh of relief, it is also our time to reconnect with our inner selves
Everything You've Created in Your Life Today is a Result of Choices You Made in the Past
Self-Trust means you trust yourself to learn what you need to along the journey to become who you're meant to be.
Let Go of Labels that Don't Serves You
You are a beautiful, complicated being. You're as unique as your fingerprints. You have your own experiences lived, wisdom gained, journey to travel. Release any labels that aren't supporting you on the way.
An Invitation to Follow Your Inner Light
Going through hard things has taught me to focus on what really matters vs what other people think should matter. Sometimes that line can get blurry. We think we want what other people want. But when we attempt to achieve/get it, and then succeed, we often find it isn’t what we wanted at all.
Do You Find Yourself in a Liminal Space?
When we acknowledge what we are going through, we can better care for ourselves through the process, allowing the excitement for what is coming to far outweigh the sadness or fear associated with what we're leaving behind. A lot of magic can happen in a liminal space.
Do You Have Particular Personality Traits that You've Accepted to Just be a Part of Who You Are?
Our self-identity feels safe. We know this version of ourselves intimately, we understand her. But just as nature intends for an acorn to grow into a tall, healthy tree, our natural inclination is also towards growth. Nature intended for us to grow too.
We All Need This
As challenges come up, instead of feeling like you have to tackle it all on your own, reach out to your community. We all benefit when you ask for help. It gives us a chance to be there for you, to share our experience and gifts with you. Asking for help deepens our connection to one another and reminds us all how much we need each other and that we are stronger together.
Here's What Happens When You Speak up
Anything that pricks you (or triggers you, to use common language) is also teaching you something. We just have to be willing to learn what it is.
How to Harness Healthy Anger
In our society today, anger has gotten a bad rap and for good reason. When anger is suppressed or allowed to fester, it escalates and can become extremely destructive.
How to Stay Positive During Troubling Times
If you're someone who cares about making change in the world, it's important to feel as good and positive as possible in order to stay focused on that mission.
Don't Worry About the How and Let Yourself Revel in the What
When it comes to dreaming of something expansive and new for our lives, we often shrink back because the next right steps aren't clear.
When You’re Making Decisions in Your Life, What Usually Wins Out? Quality or Quantity?
The thing is, when we focus on quality, it’s not just that we’re spending more, or up-levelling, or going deeper….we’re growing. Everytime we make a choice to ask a little more for ourselves and from ourselves, we grow into a more expansive, powerful version of ourselves.
What is your Magnificent Obsession?
We need to understand that most of what we believe about ourselves and those around us isn't true. We are all love. We are all connected. We are all more alike than we are different. We all want to feel free, fulfilled, joyful and at peace.
How Will you Savour Summer?
When we fill up on all the beauty and richness life has to offer, it creates a feeling of abundance that flows through us. We aren't just thinking abundance, we're feeling it. And when we feel abundant, we see more abundance around us, and we are able to receive abundance too.
A Mother’s Day Reflection
Whether you are already a mother, wish to be one or have decided that motherhood is not for you, let’s celebrate & foster the best that mothers represent.
Practicing for Who You Want to Be
That is where your practice comes in. Perhaps you need to practice better time management, or stronger focus. Perhaps you need to practice being patient every day, strengthening that skill. Perhaps your lack of patience comes from not giving yourself enough time for yourself, and you actually need to practice self-care. We are forever practicing. Our daily habits, thoughts and reactions, whether we perceive them as negative or positive are a form of practice. So what if we became more intentional about what we practice?
8 Reasons You Must Keep Going
Whenever I talk to women about following their dreams, my biggest piece of advice is always, just start. The way to gain momentum is to take action immediately and follow that with the next step and the one after that. But once you've started, there is a new phase that comes next that can be just as challenging and that's when you begin to question whether you should just stop right there. It is precisely at this moment that you MUST KEEP GOING.
Why Together is Better than Alone
Meeting consistently with a like-minded group of people whom you trust takes things to a whole new level. There is a palpable, supportive energy that is created as we give each other the space to share our challenges and to be heard. I've found it to be both nourishing in the moment (I always leave meetings feeling energized) and a major catalyst for growth and reaching your goals.