Three Things That Deeply Influenced My Transformational Journey
Every one of us has a unique journey. If each of us looked at our lives like we were souls dropped onto earth in human form to go out on our unique adventures, we would see those mountains and valleys differently. We would see them as part of our story of personal evolution. We would see them as necessary to become who we are meant to become.
48 Beautiful Life Lessons I’ve Learned
It's my birthday today! The big 4-8! And in honour of it, I wanted to share FORTY-EIGHT beautiful lessons I've learned.
You Are Exactly Right On Time
Don’t let our youth-obsessed culture convince you that it’s too late to make a change. The path is never straight, it's not meant to be. Life's adventures (even the hard ones…especially the hard ones) show you who you really are. And if you choose it to be so, you are just getting started.
How to Make Your 40s the F-ing Best Time of Your Life (so far)
This is a special note to those of you approaching 40, currently in your 40s, and even those beyond. Your 40s can be one of the most rapid growth periods of your life. It can be challenging. But it is also breathtakingly beautiful. Here are some tips to ease the bumps and help you have the best years of your life.
It's Time to Stop Being "nice"
Life is busy and can feel overwhelming. The demands are real, making it so easy for us as women to give it all away - to our work, our partners, our friends and family, our kids. Even if we see ourselves as independent, driven, career women, we can feel like we're leaving a part of our "job" left undone when we don't also continue to fully take care of and be responsible for those around us.
Permission Granted
Giving yourself permission doesn’t always mean something drastic like quitting your job or leaving a relationship. Sometimes it just begins with being really damn honest with yourself.
Create > Consume
The value of consuming varies depending on what we're consuming and our intentions behind the consumption.
The 3 Things Standing Between You and What You Want
What if I told you that there is literally only 3 things separating you from someone else who has what you want.
What you want could be a stronger body, a wonderful intimate relationship, a successful business or even a certain way of life. Anything that you desire that someone else already has.
It really does come down to these 3 simple things:
1) they DECIDED they wanted it
2) they BELIEVED they could achieve/create/be it
3. they took ACTION steps towards it
We All Share This Same Story...
Do you have a playground story? A specific moment where you lost sight of your perfect, unique spirit?
For some of us, there isn’t a defining moment. There is just a gradual sense of loss. We often don't even notice it until much later in life. When we've done all we are "supposed to do" to feel good about ourselves and gain approval from others, but it isn't enough. We've checked all the boxes but still don't feel whole.
But in reality we emerge into this world already whole. We are born a beautiful spirit manifested in human form. We are perfection and at birth we naturally embody that knowing.
And then through the human experience, we lose that knowing.
Keep the Noise Out
Keep the noise out. Instead of giving all your attention to the loud megaphone of fear:
Focus on creating a strong inner world.
Focus on real world connection with others.
Focus on the life you are creating when you wake up everyday.
Focus on who you want to become.
3 Simple Questions to Frame the New Year
This year has been an incredible year of evolution and growth for me. As part of my year end review, I look back through each and every week of the year and note down any major decisions I made, changes I implemented and wonderful things that happened.
What if You Let It All Go?
I believe deeply in understanding our journey and who we've become. I believe in giving ourselves the space and time to heal. I believe in surrounding ourselves with supportive friends and expert help to guide us through. But I also believe that there comes a point where we just have to decide, I'm ready for what comes next.
The Power of Pleasure in Living a Beautiful Life
When we take the time to experience pleasure, we're opening ourselves up to more joy, happiness, and love. We're saying yes to life itself. And when we do that, our whole life becomes more beautiful.
7 Ways to Unkink Your Hose
When we feel good, our energy flows freely through that hose. Things feel like they fall into place. We notice beauty all around us, and somehow that only makes room for more. We feel grateful. But when we feel stressed, overwhelmed and wound up, it is because our energy is backing up. Our hose is kinked, and at this point no amount of positive thinking will allow the energy to flow again.
How Do You See Yourself?
How will you increase your standards thereby elevating your self-image across your style, your environment and the people you spend time with this week?
7 Years Ago, My Life Changed Forever
Everything is transient. As good or bad as you feel right now in this moment, it will change. So don’t get too attached to your feelings today, one way or another.
What is That Gift For You?
Being a leader doesn't mean we have to gather people beneath us or give unsolicited advice or call people out when we don't agree. I believe being a leader means leading with our gifts. It means taking the best, strongest parts of ourselves and generously sharing them with our family, community and the world.
3 Simple Life-Changing Secrets
We all have those moments in life where something just clicks. It could be something someone said to us, or maybe we read something that struck a chord. Or maybe it comes to us after a very challenging week. Whatever it is, these moments have the power to change our lives forever, if we allow them to.
Do You Believe in Magic?
This week, I invite you to pay attention to the magic in your life. Pause in the moment, smile to yourself and celebrate it. Take note of it (on paper!). Tell someone close to you. See how life feels when you focus on the magic.
Giving Thanks
This Thanksgiving, let’s be grateful for who we’ve become and the potential that exists within every new day.